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Rudgate Explosives Store - Important Update


If you only objected to the Explosives Store YOU WILL NEED TO OBJECT AGAIN, this time for the Energetic Materials Store (19/01923/FULMAJ). To assist in this there is an objection template below. This needs personalising and MUST include name and address. It can then be simply emailed to:

Ensure you put the following reference in the subject tab on the email:  (19/01923/FULMAJ)




Write to: Helen Goulden, Harrogate Borough Council, Planning Services, PO Box 787, Harrogate HG1 9RW or send an email to  


Object online : 19/01923/FULMAJ  (click link to object)

The second application regarding the Energetic Materials/ Explosives has been withdrawn. See the September Update News Item (on the menu bar) for Details 


The council have decided that any objection for the Explosives Store application (19/02944/HSC) that also mentioned the Energetic Materials application (19/01923/FULMAJ) will be carried over to the CORRECT application which is now the Energetic Materials Store application (19/01923/FULMAJ)


The Council have extended the deadline for objections to the Energetic Materials application (19/01923/FULMAJ) to Sunday 29thSeptember.


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